TIV and VDA extend collaboration
Visit to the headquarters of VDA President Hildegard Müller
The executive board of the Trailer Industrie Verband visited VDA President Hildegard Müller in Berlin on 27 April. Two topics formed the focus of the visit: the challenges and opportunities of electromobility and autonomous driving, as well as a potential joint strategy of both associations vis-à-vis the EU against the backdrop of the upcoming revision of the driving licence directive.
The VDA was basically open to the TIV's proposal to increase the permissible total mass of a towing vehicle and trailer from the current weight of 3,500 kg to 4,250 kg if the driver has a B driving licence. Both associations also agree on the importance of standardising the interface between the towing vehicle and trailer with regard to the electromobile future or possible autonomous driving. The parties agreed upon a further exchange of ideas at the level of the responsible departmental staff.
In addition to the President, Andreas Rade (Managing Director), Sascha Pfeifer (Head of Traffic & Transport │Climate, Environment & Sustainability) and Eric Wern, who is responsible for standardisation matters, also participated on behalf of the VDA. The discussion, which lasted about one and a half hours, took place in a pleasant and constructive atmosphere. The Chairman of the TIV Michael Jursch was on site with the Executive Board members Przemystaw Kus (Poland) and Henk Sturme (Netherlands), Executive Board member Dr. Uwe Meyer was present online.
Founded in 2015 with 12 members, the Trailer Industry Association now comprises 28 member companies with a total workforce of approx. 8,000 employees and 400,000 registered trailers annually.