Visit of the CIVD
On 9 January, the new Chief Representative of the TIV, Karlheinz Spägele, paid his inaugural visit to the CIVD. It was agreed that the collaboration between the 2 organisations should be further conso
Since its foundation in 2015, the Trailer Industry Association (TIV) has maintained regular contact with the CIVD, the Caravaning Industry Association based in Frankfurt am Main. After all the topic of trailers is something which unites both parties. With caravans (CIVD) as well as unbraked (O1) and braked trailers (O2, up to a maximum gross weight of 3,500 kg) (TIV), the two associations collectively represent dozens of companies facing similar bureaucratic challenges.
On Thursday, 9 January 2025, the new Chief Representative of the TIV, Karlheinz Spägele, and former association board member Dr Uwe Meyer visited the CIVD headquarters at Hamburger Allee 14 in Frankfurt. During an intensive exchange of ideas that lasted some 3 hours, they discussed current issues and strategic perspectives concerning trailers with CIVD’s Managing Director Daniel Onggowinarso, the Head of the Technical, Environmental, and Infrastructure Department Jost Krüger, and his advisor Tim Rüttgers.
The key topics were not least the new EU driving licence directive, Brussels' proposals for an End of Life Vehicle Directive, and ways to enhance political advocacy more effectively. The regular exchanges of ideas will continue to take place in the future.