AGADOS, spol. s.r.o.

Member: AGADOS, spol. s.r.o.
AGADOS Germany was founded in 1997 by AGADOS s.r.o. founded. We look after the specialist trade network in Germany with around 50 partners and branches. In addition, there is the service in the field of customer service and the training of our specialist trade partners. By using high quality materials, the brand with the yellow arrow ensures maximum stability and durability. Our products are sold exclusively through our trained specialist dealers, so that is the only way to get qualified advice on site. In addition, the service is secured through our partners. Our products are consistently manufactured in an above-average high quality. True to this quality principle, AGADOS works constantly to improve products and processes. AGADOS has 3 important locations in Europe. The main plant with the entire production and development is located in Velké Mezirící. The 2 subsidiaries in Germany and Slovakia represent the brand with the yellow arrow in Europe. Modern production systems and more than 200 highly qualified employees guarantee the AGADOS standard worldwide. Production per year: approx. 20,000 car trailers.