News / reports

Parliamentary breakfast with the Bundestag's transportation committee concerning the revision driving licence law.

The complex driving licence regulations in the EU are unsettling and not just disadvantageous for our industry. Against the backdrop of a parliamentary breakfast with members of the Transport Committee in the German Bundestag, the Executive Board was able to present the positions of the TIV.


BVF and UNI VDL: Current cultivation of contacts with other trade associations

On Friday, January 13, 2017, the board of the TIV, represented by Mr Jursch and Dr. Meyer, attending a meeting in Berlin with the chairmen of the Bundesvereinigung der Fahrlehrerverbände e.V.  (German Association of Driver Training Associations) (BVF). The objective was to intensify the dialogue initiated in Stuttgart at our first meeting in December 2016, and to discuss the possibilities of cooperation.


Board’s visit of Prof. Dr. Hannawald (VUFO GmbH) in Dresden

On Monday, October 17, 2016, the first chairman of the TIV, Michael Jursch, and his deputy, Dr. Uwe Meyer, visited the CEO of VUFO GmbH, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Hannawald, who is also Chair of Vehicle Safety / Accident Analysis at the Dresden University of Technology and Economics (HTW).


Meeting of members and parliamentary evening in Berlin

Representatives of the companies Agados, Al-ko, Bohnenkamp, BPW, Eduard, Humbaur, Pongratz, Starco, Steelpress, Stema, Trigano, Unsinn, Winterhoff und wm meyer attended the first meeting of members, following the foundation and registration of our association, on Friday 8 July 2016 at the Europaplatz in Berlin.


TIV board visits KBA (Federal Motor Vehicle Transport Authority) President Zinke in Flensburg

On Thursday, 23 June 2016, the three members of the Board of TIV met Ekhard Zinke, President of the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), at the authority’s headquarters in Flensburg.


Things to know about the topics of driving licences and the 100 kph speed limit

Those people in particular who want to buy a trailer for the first time are often unsure which driving licence they require and when they can drive 100 kph with the trailer instead of just 80 kph.


Entry of TIV in the register of associations

On 08.06.2016 the registration of the TIV Trainer Industrie Verband was completed at the Charlottenburg local first instance under registration no. of the VR (Register of Associations) 35031 B.

Meetings in Berlin on 26 April 2016 with VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry) and the German Ministry of Transport

On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 the board of the TIV, completely represented by Michael Jursch, Dr. Uwe Meyer und Gunnar Bregler, attended two important meetings in Berlin.


Road safety

On 14 January 2016 a personal meeting was held in Berlin with the member of the German Bundestag Mr Gero Storjohann and Mr Michael Jursch, the chairman of the executive board of TIV. Mr Storjohann is among other things an expert for road safety and, based on this background, a spokesman of the Transport Committee of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group


Meeting with Dr. de Maizière

The federal minister was informed of the foundation of the TV during a personal meeting with Mr Michael Jursch in Meißen on 16 October 2015.